A downloadable book for Android

We live in the age of the world constantly improving to make our lives easier. With technology advancing, our daily lives consist of accepting various changes and adapting to those changes. However, society's ways of thinking still haven't made much progress in terms of children rights. Child marriage can be defined as the marriage of a child under the age of 18 without their consent, and it is a human rights issue that needs to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, the dark reality that we face is that it is still a common practice in many world regions, and many children are suffering.  

According to UNICEF (2020), there are 12 million girls who marry before the age of 18 every year. As one of the many consequences, many children who become victims of child marriage are frequently unable to negotiate safer sexual practices, putting them at increased risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted illnesses.

Child Brides is an Augmented Reality (AR) interactive storytelling application that allows participants to interact with artwork consisting of a short 2D animation and documentary video about child marriage experience and statistics. This project is prepared with a zine consisting of two pages (excluding the front and back cover) as the marker to be scanned through an AR camera from android smartphones. Child Brides aims to raise awareness about human rights issues through interesting visuals that explore new ways of storytelling. This project is inspired by Habiba's story from a UNICEF documentary on YouTube.


Child Bride Zine.pdf 1.7 MB
Child Bride AR Demo.mp4 73 MB
Child Brides.apk 74 MB

Install instructions

Upon installing our application, allow installation from unknown resource . Then, select "Continue anyway" and "No, Thanks"  when receiving notification from Play Protect.

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